Not knowing how to spend every festive day, has thought well about restructuring wine cellars, huts, stalls, barns maintaining unchanged the structural and ornamental characteristics of every local and to turn him/it to apartment with the purpose to approach those people to the agriculture and the nature that you/they are felt worn-out, oppressed, that have need to breathe, to see relaxing hilly landscapes and therefore to escape from the daily routine. Tuscany for our fortune, is besides full of natural beauties and also artificial wanted by the foresight of the rulers that they are alternated in this region of ours.
The building is set in top to a hill as he/she wanted the country tradition away from the swamps, from the stagnant waters of the rivers that him impaludavano, kissed by the rising of the sun to the sunset. You supposes goes up again to 1200 or perhaps first being in visual correspondence of Roman camps that as known they communicated with visual signals. At the end of the jobs they are results 7 apartments in rustic style, with floors in cooked, ceilings with wood beams good, doesn't afflict at sight, and suffocating, but real houses.